Collection: Clan MacDonnell
MacDonnell Crest Jewelry - Rings, Pendants, Cufflinks, Bracelets and more - Direct from the manufacturers.
There are many spelling variations for the Clan MacDonnell surname. Mac and Mc are interchangeable. (Mac in Gaelic means "son of"). Included are families (known as Septs) with different surnames from the original Clan name.
Those families who acquired their names through marriage or from other families combining with the clan are true Clans people. The MacDonnell Clan Crest which, all members are entitled to wear, is from the crest on the top of the Clan MacDonnell Chief’s “Coat of Arms”. The wearing of your Clan MacDonnell Chief’s Crest, is a way of honoring your Chief, your Clan association and your Scottish Family Ancestry.
We make this range of Clan MacDonnell Crest Jewelry as your link to your Scottish bloodline.
MacDonnell Clan Crest Signet Ring - celtic sides
- Regular price
- $250.00 USD
- Sale price
- $250.00 USD
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
Sold out -
MacDonnell Clan Crest Signet Ring
- Regular price
- $265.00 USD
- Sale price
- $265.00 USD
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
Sold out