MacEwen Clan Crest Signet Ring Scot Jewelry Rings

MacEwen Clan Crest Signet Ring

Scot Jewelry
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$265.00 USD
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$265.00 USD
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This magnificent MacEwen Clan Crest signet ring shows the motto `REVIRESCO' (I grow strong again); the crest shows a trunk of an oak tree regenerating. The wide band is polished and smooth, gently tapering from the face towards the back. Variations of the family surname include McEwen, MacEwan and McEwan. This ring can be made to order in sterling silver. Gold available on request (POA).

According to information from the Clan MacEwen Society, the MacEwen Clan Crest badge is not derived from the arms of a previous chief of the clan. However, it appears to have been in use among the Galloway McEwens from an early date. The process of appointing a new chief is well underway, and may be official late 2024.